Category : Art
Je reprends la définition qui est faite du projet sur sa chaîne YouTube : “HERstory est une plateforme de recherche, de rencontres et d’expositions visant à fabriquer et à rendre visibles des archives vivantes et féministes d’artistes et de militant.e.s du monde entier.“ J’ai beaucoup hésité avant de concrétiser ma participation à HERstory, […]
(Français) Subsister après l’école d’art (suite)
Sorry, this entry is only available in Français. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.Trouver un emploi peu de temps après mes études d’art m’a permis d’échapper à la dépendance financière vis-à-vis de mes proches et à […]
(Français) L’art comme expérience utilisateur
Sorry, this entry is only available in Français. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.On parle de manière générale, en marketing, d’expérience utilisateur pour désigner l’expérience vécue par un individu lorsqu’il est amené à interagir avec un […]
(Français) Subsister après l’école d’art
Sorry, this entry is only available in Français. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Il y a plus ou moins un an, j’ai franchi le pas entre l’école d’art et le monde de la communication en […]

It’s About Time
Rye Attic gallery, during our opening event. Our second and last exhibition of the year was hosted by Rye Attic, a space opened a few months ago in New Basford, Nottingham. It is a bit remote from the city centre but nice looking, and it suited exactly our needs. We opened on the 18th of […]

The conversation isn’t over
“The Space” in Nottingham Contemporary where our exhibition was held. Last winter, Nottingham Contemporary presented the Monuments Should Not Be Trusted exhibition that explored “the golden years” of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia through the works of over 30 artists from this period and location. As part of the yearly Memory Project, now called […]

Do you understand art?
The Master of Fine Art students Headquarters. Last week somebody told me he doesn’t understand art, to which I replied I don’t either. Now that I am thinking back, I realize I wasn’t totally kidding. I have studied art for three years, got my bachelor’s degree and I am pursuing a two-years Master in Fine […]